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Miss Alicia Mead

NHSE Transformation Directorate
Chief Dental Officer's Clinical Fellow 2023/24

Alicia graduated from King's College London in 2020 and during her undergraduate training, also completed a BSc in Physiology. She then went on to complete primary care foundation training in the West Midlands. Following this, Alicia undertook dental core training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the West Midlands. Most recently, Alicia has been a maxillofacial SHO in South Wales, where she has continued to develop her skills in A&E and oral surgery.

Alicia has an interest in teaching and leadership and is continually looking to improve both these skills. She is the co-founder and host of a podcast series aimed at medical and dental professionals interested in ENT and maxillofacial surgery and has a non-clinical role as a chief dental mentor for Medics Mentor (a non-profit organisation). The chief mentor role involves delivering small group teaching, conferences and summer schools aimed at prospective dental students.

Reason for applying for the scheme

Having worked in both primary and secondary care dentistry, Alicia has noticed the benefits of effective leadership within the NHS on both patients and staff, which motivated her to apply for this scheme. Alicia feels passionately that dental professionals should have the skills to become clinical leaders and help to shape the future of NHS dentistry. During her clinical fellow year, she hopes to gain invaluable leadership skills to take back to her clinical practice as well as learning more about healthcare policy and gaining insight into the NHS as a wider healthcare system.

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