
Why become a member?

We provide membership to healthcare professionals at all levels, with support for both senior and aspiring leaders including opportunities for mentorship, networking and access to the latest resources for leadership development. Join our large community of clinical leaders to build your knowledge and skills, network and learn from peers and help shape the future of healthcare. 

Clinical professionals at all career stages have chosen to share our vision to drive continuous improvement in health and healthcare through excellence in leadership and management.

We offer memberships for individuals at any career stage and for organisations.

Build your knowledge 
  • Access a comprehensive online library of professional development publications, articles, resources and self-assessment tools .
  • Participate in regular expert-led webinars on a diverse range of topics such as quality improvement, team-working, performance management and technology .
  • Access BMJ Leader to keep up to date with the latest articles and research.
  • Find a mentor to support your leadership journey.  
Share in networking 
  • Meet like-minded colleagues at our regional and national face to face events .
  • Join, or set up your own online special interest groups.
  • Share your views and opinions with a wide audience via online blogs.  
Drive excellence 
  • Support the development of professional standards of medical leadership.
  • Access support for appraisal and revalidation for doctors in leadership and management roles.  
  • Help set the agenda for best practice in leadership and management. 
  • Attend the Annual General Meeting and influence the future strategy of FMLM. 

Become an FMLM member




Claiming tax relief on membership fees

The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management is an approved HMRC (List 3) professional body. 

As your membership or fellowship fees are related to your employment then you are entitled to claim tax relief on these payments, thereby saving you money on your fee. 

There are two ways of claiming tax relief on your FMLM fees: 

  1. If you complete a self-assessment tax return, you can claim tax relief from your fees on the employment page of the return. 
  2. If you do not file a tax return, you can claim tax relief using form P87: Tax relief for expenses of employment, available to download from the HMRC website. 

You can claim a tax refund/relief for the current tax year or any of the previous four tax years.  

To request a receipt of your membership subscriptions please get in touch with the membership team at