Becoming an affiliated organisation

There is growing evidence of the positive link between effective medical leadership and patient outcomes.

In adopting the FMLM Standards for Medical Leadership and Management and becoming an 'FMLM Affiliated Organisation', an organisation shows a commitment to excellence in medical leadership as an integral part of a doctor’s sphere of practice alongside clinical competence.

It is a programme of cultural improvements around leadership, created in collaboration with the organisation in question, and informed by FMLM's work with numerous healthcare organisations of many sizes and types - from large integrated trusts and systems, to smaller community healthcare organisations.

Healthcare organisations can now enter into a relationship with FMLM that aims to support better medical leadership across the organisation, from informal guidance to the development of more structured programmes covering clinical engagement and leadership development. The scope of the offer is unique to the needs of the organisation.

Organisational affiliation includes:
  • support embedding the FMLM standards within job descriptions with the inclusion of FMLM Fellowship as a desirable qualification for consultant level posts and above;
  • up to two days of on-site discussions annually between FMLM and a selection of doctors and medical leaders at different levels to provide education and identify areas for improvement and continued programmes of support;
  • assistance embedding an assessment of medical leadership and management capability as part of annual appraisals for medical leaders at consultant level and above.
The benefits of organisation affiliation include:
  • third-party endorsement of the organisation's approach to medical leadership, demonstrated through affiliation with FMLM and a supportive visual marque to be displayed on-site;
  • supporting an appraisal system that assesses a doctor’s whole scope of practice;
  • embedding the FMLM standards within the medical workforce and encouraging best practice in terms of leadership and management;
  • raising awareness among clinical staff of medical leadership and the link to patient care.
To find out more, please contact us at