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MSc Health Professions Education (Leadership)


The MSc in Health Professions Education (Leadership) is designed to equip practicing clinicians with the knowledge and skills that needed to lead the development and delivery of educational initiatives in their chosen field. This multidisciplinary programme is suitable for clinicians of all backgrounds and levels of experience, and offers a wide selection of modules covering topics as diverse as clinical teaching skills, assessment, leadership & teaching ethics and law. Through modular teaching and assessments, students will develop an understanding of how research and scholarship is undertaken in education settings, and the MSc year offers students the opportunity to undertake original empirical or desk-based research in a specific area of interest. Students can choose to follow a specialist pathway in Leadership, Primary Care, Research, and Assessment or they can follow a general pathway selecting modules which specifically interest them. Students can exit with a PG Cert ( 60 Credits); Diploma ( 120 credits) or MSc (180 credits). All modules are currently offered online.

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Demonstrating personal qualities, Working with others, Managing services, Improving services, Setting direction, Creating the vision, Delivering the strategy
FMLM standards
Self awareness and self development, Personal resilience, drive and energy, Effective team work, Cross-team collaborations, Corporate team player, Corporate culture and innovation



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