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Coaching for GP leadership development

The FMLM Coaching network is piloting a bespoke coaching service for GPs across UK. The service aims to equip and support GPs with the knowledge, skill and drive to lead improvement in practices locally and across systems.

What we offer

  • a flexible, confidential, personalised leadership development service underpinned by the FMLM Leadership and management standards for medical professionals
  • a range of executive coaching and development sessions for you to choose from, to create a bespoke development programme which is offered on a 1:1 basis.

Who is it for?

The service is aimed at GPs who are in – or considering stepping up to – leadership roles, either within practice or working across healthcare systems.

How will this support effective leadership?

Effective leadership is the most influential factor in shaping an effective organisational culture. GPs play a critical role in commissioning and delivering services for patients across the UK, and to do this effectively GPs need the skill, confidence and motivation to succeed as medical leaders. Coaching is a recognised intervention to support leadership development. This service will use coaching to help individual GPs to:

  • focus on clear priorities for action and develop a strategic view of service provision to deliver safer, more productive services for patients
  • increase personal effectiveness in order to inspire and motivate others.

Who is involved in coaching?

All coaches involved in this service are accredited by their professional organisations. Some have business experience and others bring extensive clinical backgrounds. All bring significant knowledge and experience gained from working with the NHS. Find out more about the coaching team:

How much does it cost?

Packages start at £990 + VAT. Find out more information about the range of packages available.

Contact us

coaching [at] (Get in touch) if you are interested to find out more.


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