Collaborate with us


Engage with the medical leadership community to recruit medical leaders, promote events and advertise programmes 

Through our website and digital platforms, we offer a range of advertising opportunities for your events, educational programmes and jobs to be presented to our members and wider audience. Your message will reach medical students, doctors in training, senior managers and established leaders in healthcare. Have a look at the monthly packages below and get in touch. 

Website ad – £1500 +VAT 

  • Listing of your event, educational programme or job in the relevant section of the website for one month  

Featured ad – £2000+ VAT 

  • Listing of your event, educational programme or job in the relevant section of the website for one month 
  • Promotion on social media (Twitter or LinkedIn) 
  • Feature an image-based ad or a 50-words ad plus logo in the FMLM email newsletter across one month 

Premium ad – £3000 + VAT 

  • A bespoke mailing to a subset of the FMLM audience (up to 1000 contacts) 
  • Listing of your event, educational programme or job in the relevant section of the website for one month 
  • Promotion on social media (Twitter or LinkedIn) 
  • Feature an image-based ad or a 50-words ad plus logo in the FMLM email newsletter across one month 
  • Feature a 300-word article providing product or service information in an objective style on the website (this may be replaced with an additional bespoke mailing). 

Contact us

Interested in advertising, sponsorship opportunities – including events, or other ways to collaborate? We’re keen to hear from you about partnership opportunities and discuss how we might help you. Get in touch via the form below. 


Jobs & Opportunities 


Location: London. Hybrid
Closing date:
Salary: Voluntary
Location: London. Hybrid
Closing date:
Salary: Voluntary