360° appraisal tool

Our 360 degree tool is designed specifically for clinicians, at all career stages and is based around the behaviours associated with effective leadership and management, as explained in the Leadership and management standards for medical professionals.  

What is 360 degree feedback? 

This is a tool (often referred to as multi-source feedback) to help individuals understand how others see them and through this to identify their strengths and areas for development. This involves obtaining confidential feedback from line managers, peers, individuals you lead, manage or supervise, external stakeholders and other colleagues. This information gives individuals insight into their own and others’ perceptions of their behaviours and performance. 

360 degree feedback should help the individual become more effective as a leader. It can be used in the context of appraisal, but should have a formative and developmental purpose. It should not be used for the purposes of summative assessment of performance. 

Why choose our 360 degree tool? 

Our 360 degree tool has been designed for doctors. It is available at four levels - team member, team leader, operational leader and strategic leader. Each level defines the qualities that organisations and the people they serve would expect from leaders operating within them. The 360 degree feedback tool therefore assists doctors' assessment of this aspect of their professional practice and could usefully be included as additional information within the context of a doctor's annual professional appraisal. The tool is designed to be valid and reliable in the assessment of leadership and management behaviours of doctors, and has not been designed to cover all areas of good medical practice. 

What can I use my 360 for? 

  • Part of the process of continuing learning and development 
  • Evidence of continued professional development 
  • Additional information for appraisal, supporting reflection on the leadership and management aspects of a doctor’s scope of practice 

What to do after my 360 report is complete? 

It can be helpful to discuss your 360 results with an independent professional who can work with you to identify how to make the most of the feedback. If you would like facilitated feedback on your FMLM 360 degree report, why not talk to one of our qualified coaches, who are experienced in delivering 360 feedback and will provide a confidential opportunity to discuss, identify and work on the developmental needs indicated by your feedback.  

Make the most of your 360 degree feedback

Register for your 360 today 


How do I know which level is right for me? 

FMLM and Silvermaple have developed the 360 degree tool at several levels to suit doctors at different leadership responsibilities. The following describes each level and who it might be most appropriate to: 

  • Team members – individuals who have a key role as part of a team but no formal line management responsibility. This might include postgraduate trainees. 
  • Team leadership – individuals who are required to take on either a formal or informal leadership role within their team. Examples would be lead partners in general practice and consultants leading teams. 
  • Operational leadership – individuals responsible for leading a number of teams, a department, or a functional area. Examples might include department heads and leaders of federations of general practices. 
  • Strategic leadership – individuals required to perform at board level within their organisation. This might include individuals with senior roles in national or regional organisations, commissioners, and medical directors of hospital trusts. 

Clearly there is overlap between these levels, and every doctor’s practice will be unique to them; we would be happy to discuss which level is most appropriate to your appointment. 

What can I expect to get from my 360?
  • Enhanced personal insight into your style, impact and performance 
  • Constructive challenge in relation to areas where you are less effective 
  • Reinforcement of strengths to build upon 
  • The basis of a personal development plan 
  • Information to share with a coach or mentor in supporting your professional development 
What can I use my 360 for?
  • Part of the process of continuing learning and development 
  • Evidence of continued professional development 
  • Additional information for appraisal, supporting reflection on the leadership and management aspects of a doctor’s scope of practice
How do I register?  

You can start your 360 assessment here

How much does it cost? 

The tool is competitively priced at £72 (including VAT). We have endeavoured to deliver a cost effective tool which is uniquely relevant to doctors. 

 What if I have technical problems?

If you are having technical difficulties please contact support@greatwithtalent.com.  

If you are experiencing issues where emails are not being delivered to a certain Trust/CCG domain there may be a problem with the security settings associated with that domain. 

All emails delivered from the system are delivered from @greatwithtalent.net – you can advise your Trust/CCG IT team to add this to their email whitelists which should improve deliverability.

Data protection 

great{with}talent ('us' 'we'), registered under the UK Data Protection Act 1998, will be processing the data given in the questionnaire you complete. We will retain and store copies of your data to perform statistical analyses. By completion of the questionnaire, you consent to our use of any personal information to the extent reasonably necessary to process your results.  

great{with}talent is committed to treating your data with absolute due care and in accordance with all applicable data protection regulations. 

Who are Great With Talent? 

great{with}talent helps organisations increase levels of performance, employee engagement, and reduce staff turnover. 

Further information is available on the great{with}talent website.

How many responders can I nominate for each category? 

Individuals can nominate responders who are most suitable to comment and ‘rate’ your leadership and management scope of work. Individuals can nominate a minimum of 1 or 2 and a maximum of 9 responders/raters per category. 

  • Categories include: 
  • Manager 
  • Direct report 
  • Peer 
  • External stakeholder

