Leadership of Self

Doctors should endeavour to know and understand themselves, their impact on others and be constantly striving to improve. They must be resilient and demonstrate the energy, drive and motivation to lead and work with others to consistently high standards, to improve the quality of care for patients in all its dimensions (experience, effectiveness and safety). Listening, feedback and reflection are key components. 

How it applies to FMLM Fellowship 

An individual’s values and behaviour underpin the award of FMLM Fellowship. All medical professionals are expected to display appropriate standards that have a positive influence on their working environment. They drive a culture that is inclusive, constructive and supportive, which recognises the complexity and challenges of healthcare delivery and the need to promote innovation, empowerment and accountability. 

Self-awareness and development 

A clinically qualified manager or leader who meets the Standards: 

  • Demonstrates a clear ‘people’ approach, considering the impact of their style, decisions and actions on all those affected - patients and colleagues and the wider healthcare community 
  • Manages their own emotions and adapts their leadership style for maximum positive impact on others 
  • Reflects on experiences vital for personal wellbeing and development, and to improving the quality of patient care. Experiences, good and bad, generate important learning lessons for the individual and the wider system, as highlighted in the GMC’s Reflective Practitioner Guidance 
  • Seeks and acts upon feedback from patients, colleagues and other professionals regarding own effectiveness and possible areas for development 
  • Commits time to professional development and keeps their own skills and knowledge up to date 
  • Establishes and maintains strong professional and support networks 
  • Acknowledges their own limitations and are prepared to seek opinion or support from others to achieve the best outcomes 
  • Acknowledges the existence of unconscious bias and ‘micro-behaviours’ that might be impeding an inclusive culture and seeks feedback specifically to tackle this 
  • Draws upon a range of leadership theories, principles and experiences to improve and innovate.  
Personal resilience, drive and energy 

An effective medically qualified manager or leader who meets the Standards: 

  • Takes responsibility for actions and decisions within own areas of responsibility 
  • Remains calm and objective in situations of pressure or conflict 
  • Sustains personal levels of energy and remains enthusiastic and optimistic in the face of setbacks 
  • Speaks up and speaks out when standards, quality or safety are threatened and challenges discriminatory behaviours and attitudes 
  • Constructively challenges others when there is an opportunity for improvement 
  • Works to a high standard and manages own time effectively 
  • Earns the respect of colleagues and is trusted by others to deliver commitments and promises 
  • Accepts the professional obligations placed on doctors by Good Medical Practice in relation to personal health and wellbeing.