
The effective manager or leader understands and contributes positively to the strategic direction and operational delivery of the organisation in which they work. Doctors in these positions espouse and practice The Seven Principles of Public Life and the GMC’s Good Medical Practice, and similarly Standards for the Dental Team for dentists. They can successfully navigate the competing demands between the needs of the individual or team and the needs of the population. Furthermore, they can successfully balance their role in day-to-day delivery, with a focus on anticipating future challenges and innovation. 

How it applies to FMLM Fellowship 

The individual makes a significant contribution to patient safety, patient experience and the effectiveness of patient care within their organisation. They demonstrate a positive influence on the culture of the organisation, recognising the vital contribution of other leaders and managers, both clinical and non-clinical, and the role they play within the organisation. They encourage a positive approach to learning, development, audit, research and have a level of commercial awareness to maximise efficiency within their organisation. These contributions form a major requirement for the award of Fellowship and Senior Fellowship. 

Organisational team player 

An effective medically qualified manager or leader who meets the Standards: 

  • Ensures adherence to the principles of good governance 
  • Understands the competing demands and actively supports fair and just resource allocation 
  • Makes clear, transparent decisions when faced with situations of ambiguity and uncertainty, being able to provide evidence or justification 
  • Considers, assesses and manages risks when making decisions that impact upon patients, colleagues and the organisation 
  • Participates in wider initiatives that enable and promote excellence in healthcare, within and across organisations 
  • Actively encourages feedback from patients, families and carers to enable service improvement and better experience of healthcare. 
  • Recognises and can navigate professional and political tensions. 
Organisational culture, improvement and innovation 

An effective medically qualified manager or leader who meets the Standards: 

  • Consistently identifies and promotes opportunities for improvement 
  • Understands and successfully applies key concepts and principles underpinning the creation, validation, translation and dissemination of innovative ideas and practices 
  • Motivates and inspires others to achieve high standards and improve services 
  • Engenders (and is a role model for) an organisational culture that values diversity, learning, reflection and feedback, transparency, openness and candour 
  • Recognises and promotes their organisation to drive improvement in the whole system for the benefit of the population 
  • Helps the organisation to prepare for new challenges through forward thinking and innovation.