Leadership and Management Standards for Medical Professionals - Self assessment form

Once you have read the FMLM Leadership and management standards for medical professionals, please take some time to assess yourself against the behavioural domains, namely: 

  • Behavioural Domain 1: Self
  • Behavioural Domain 2: Team player/Team leader
  • Behavioural Domain 3: Corporate responsibility
  • Behavioural Domain 4: System Leadership

In the self assessment form below, we have suggested that you assign yourself a rating, out of a maximum of 5 (1-does not display this behaviour to 5-displays this behaviour consistently), against each of the criteria within the three domains to indicate the extent to which you feel that you can meet that criterion. You can write your rating or score in the column on the right hand side. In the form, at the end of each domain, we have also included a space in which you might write down your own reflections on any areas of development that this has revealed for you.