Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management’s responds to the Francis Inquiry

FMLM's view on the findings of the Francis Report

Commenting on the Francis Report, Mr Peter Lees, Founding Director of Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) said: “The Report demonstrated a profound understanding of today’s NHS and the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management supports the five high level conclusions. We welcome the emphasis on the role of leadership and compassion in healthcare.

“Doctors have a vital role to play in leading teams to ensure that the failings that took place at Mid Staffordshire hospital do not happen again. Leadership is an integral part of the professionalism of doctors as is the delivery of compassionate care in patient centred teams.

“We are delighted that the Report recognises culture as a critical issue in creating better standards of care. Since its inception in 2011, FMLM has emphasised that good leadership creates the culture which allows staff to deliver care to the highest standards. However, Francis’ recurring emphasis on criminal prosecution creates a concern about the impact this threat has upon professionals trying to deliver complex, high quality care.”

Changing culture is complex and challenging; we believe that challenge needs to be owned and acted upon at every level: FMLM, through the unique relationship with its parent UK medical royal colleges and faculties has a vital role here. As the professional home of medical leadership, it has defined the standards of medical leadership and sees the new duty of revalidation and accompanying appraisals as excellent and timely tools to drive up standards as well as to address poor performance.

Because of the link between leadership and the quality and safety of patient care, FMLM is promoting both leadership education and medical leadership as a profession. We welcome the positive recognition of this FMLM role within the Report1.

Summing up, Mr Peter Lees said “The NHS needs to recover from this report, reflect, and then act on the lessons in a relentless quest to improve. FMLM is will play its full part in all efforts to create a healthcare system that is committed to the highest quality of care. “