FMLM supports Don Berwick's report on patient safety
Commenting on Don Berwick's findings, FMLM medical director Mr Peter Lees said: “The Berwick Report describes an NHS I easily recognise – it is profound, pulls no punches, is humane and pragmatic. Hot on the heels of the equally powerful Keogh Report, let this be an end to the thinking that experts in healthcare cannot be trusted with resolving the challenges of one of the most complex organisations in the world.
“One of the report’s most powerful aspects is recalibration. With the power of the objectivity of a truly external observer, he reminds us that the NHS is still the envy of the world at a time when it feels as if the nation is judging the entirety of the service and its staff on the actions of a minority.
“Still, there is undoubtedly a lot to do and there remains no room for complacency. Helpfully, Berwick puts everyone in the frame from patient to politician; ‘head office’ plays a major role in setting the NHS tone and a major block to culture change has to be the knock-on effect of the outdated political blame game.
“The report rightly acknowledges that the very rare wilful miscreants need to be sorted but makes the point that ‘fear is toxic’ and hits the futility of blaming head on.
“I was always taught to strive for excellence but felt I was in a system which used the excuse of cost to make do with mediocrity. No matter how it may raise the stakes, we need to get back to excellence and, to quote Don Berwick: Make sure pride and joy in work, not fear, infuse the NHS.”