Reflections from a 22/23 clinical fellow

On Wednesday 12 July 2023, all FMLM clinical fellows from across the national and regional schemes came together to reflect and mark the 22/23 fellowship year with a graduation event – and what a fantastic celebration it was!

For me there were three highlights:

Firstly, the fantastic group presentations summarising learning and development over the 12 months; from the use by one group of a rope to show emotional change, to another groups quiz show ‘who wants to be a clinical fellow’ exploring insights and knowledge gained, to the telling of the ‘very hungry clinical fellow’ story depicting transformation from all the experiences and opportunities we have had.

Secondly, the exceptional Keogh Lecture given by Professor Sir Chris Whitty. It seemed so familiar to see Professor Sir Chris Whitty behind a lectern, but infinity better in real life! Chris's thoughtful reflections and careful analysis of data highlighted demographic changes, drivers for/against health and challenges of making health more equitable across the geography of England to name a few topics. It was an insightful lecture, followed by time for a rich ‘question and answer’ session. I found Professor Sir Chris Whitty engaging, honest, clear in his thinking, passionate about the importance of multidisciplinary working and driven to make care better for people, a perfect role model of clinical leadership in action.

Finally, it was wonderful to see all the fellows from across different schemes again to celebrate our collective fellowship experience, and although perhaps the graduation felt like the end in some ways, we know the fellowship has catalysed our healthcare leadership development and given us networks including the FMLM CFS Alumni to nurture and lean into as we move forwards.

Helen Ireland

Chief Pharmaceutical Officer's Clinical Fellow 2022/23