
Panel discussion explored leadership culture and how women can realise their potential and deliver greater balance for all

The label of ‘leader’ is one which can present difficulties in terms of definition and identity, especially for those who struggle to realise their aspirations or recognise themselves in those roles.


The importance of integrated care has been emphasised in all healthcare systems across the UK. All recognise the interdependence of systems of care and the need for multi-disciplinary team working, across the whole continuum of care needs and pathways. A more inclusive and collaborative leadership approach is essential to maximise effectiveness, efficiency and outcomes.


The effective manager or leader understands and contributes positively to the strategic direction and operational delivery of the organisation in which they work. Doctors in these positions espouse and practice The Seven Principles of Public Life and the GMC’s Good Medical Practice, and similarly Standards for the Dental Team for dentists. They can successfully navigate the competing demands between the needs of the individual or team and the needs of the population.

Team Player / Leader

The effective Clinical leader and non-medical manager has a sophisticated knowledge of establishing and leading teams and how to get the best out of them. Equally they know when to lead and when to allow others to take the lead. They are robust defenders of fairness and justice and strive constantly to create an optimal environment for colleagues to give their best in the drive for improved patient care and population health.

Leadership of Self

Doctors should endeavour to know and understand themselves, their impact on others and be constantly striving to improve. They must be resilient and demonstrate the energy, drive and motivation to lead and work with others to consistently high standards, to improve the quality of care for patients in all its dimensions (experience, effectiveness and safety). Listening, feedback and reflection are key components. 

How it applies to FMLM Fellowship